Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Design Book

Superman Cowboy-2009- Ikey Chafkin-U.S. of A

The story that is in my book is the story of man from the U.S. looking for some advantage. The man goes to the middle east to find some fun. While there he meets a man whos son was kidnapped and so the man decides to help find the kid an beat up the kidnapper.

Making the book was not that hard it was just about using paper the same to pieces of paper for every frame.

The principles of design ar crucial in telling any story. I used emphasis to show a fight i foucuesd on the fist and the two peoples faces and i also used it to show the power of the punch through color. Overall i felt the picture turned out very nicely.

Super Duper Family-2009- Ikey Chafkin - U.S. of A

I think the decisons i made about making this picture really helped show how my family is very different but also very similar. Giving everybody a super power gave them and indivuality that distinguishes their role in the family. And this justice league setting shows how all the powers are useless if we don's have each other.

I think the strongest aspect of my picture is just drawing my family. I usally have a hard time just making people and faces but i feel like i really came through in this. Showing defention in the faces and all throughout the bodies. I think everything worked out and it came out to being a great picture.

Clay Bear and Lacrosse Player

Laxer and Black Bear-2009- Ikey Chafkin- U.S. of A
I feel like the Lacrosse player and the bear where both very sucessful. The bear came out great and I think the black just added to its scaryness and it also just ended up looking very nice. The lacrosse player came out very nice as well i think most of it held together well even though it was made up of so many pieces.
I think however there where problems in both of them. The detail on both failed to show after the coats of paint and if I was able to spend more time i would have like to spend more time making the indentations much more visable. The lacrosse player I feel came out worse than the bear i think that just had to do with him being so tall and being human with shapes like the helmet and the lacrosse stick also just being straight up.

Block Print

Wrestling-2009-Ikey Chafkin- U.S. of A

This picture was personally my best. I felt like better pictures would have come out. one of the big things that happened was it not all lining up even. It was not a problem at the early stages then towards the end it became harder and harder thant is why there are green and yellow spots all over the page. Other wise my color choice was very good. I think the red of the brick the blue of the mat and the gray of the mortor all came out very nicely. I am overall very happy with the end result.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

personal reflection:portrait

Self Portrait- Ikey Chafkin,2009- American

In my self portrait I tryed to capture the two different sides of me. The red side of my face represent my hot headedness, my cockiness and also my competative nature. The light side shows how I am a colected person and also shy sometimes.
This was a difficult painting at many times. I had trouble making a color to light or two dark like with my blue eye the dark blue makes me look elderly. The lines on my dress shirt where also difficult, because i had to make the lines at different angles to show how my shirt is positioned on my body. and over just shadding on the red side of the face.
In the picture I would have liked to spend a little more time on it. i also think that the red side of my face there is not a lot of visible lines to distinguishe my cheeks and the rest of my body like on the blue side. Overall though I think the painting turned out great.