Sunday, March 8, 2009


Nighthawks- 1942- Edward Hopper U.S

First Impressons:when I first look at this painting i look at the man sitting with the lady in the red dress. I also just focus on everything in the diner. It is night time but it also seems like a very dark and gloomy time. You also start to look at everything in the resturant before u even notice the outside so I found that to be a very cool affect.

The Real Story: The painting actually does focus on the light and this painting is when florescent lights cam into play. Hopper was also try to portray a period of time in America call the "film noir" period. The "film noir" time was focused on crime and corruption in major metropalitan cities like New York where Hopper is orginally from.

How He Incoporated Some Principles: Symmetry and Asymmetry are not big things hopper focuses on. Neither half of the page is different and there is no radial balance because there is the large amount of light in one part of the paper. Hopper uses emphasis as a major part of this painting because the first thing your eyes go to is the people in the resturant. You focus on these people because of the lack of light outside. And the intense amount of light in the diner. There are no leading lines or repetion because Hopper just uses emphasis to foucs on the people in the diner.